505-750-7884 senoritaruth@gmail.com

Well, well, well. It looks like it’s time for my once-every-three years post. It didn’t used to be this way but here we are. I have found that I have a lot less to share in the last few years, even as cool things keep happening in my life. Recently, I had the chance to list all the new up-and-coming cool stuff I’ve gotten the opportunity to participate in. Most immediately and importantly, I’m joining the 25th cohort of the fullstack web development Deep Dive Coding Camp. It was the perfect timing, and I got a scholarship!

Here’s more details on what is going down this summer:

I’m excited to start, and to finish the course. While I’m not a natural coder, this is a skill set that I need to add to my repertoire. It’s been sorely missing the depth of knowledge necessary to really take care of the websites I have the privilege of administering, and I’m tired of half-assing it.

There’s other cool stuff in the works too, I’ll make it a better point to share it here, now that I’m officially rejoining the website-owning part of the internet. Maybe I’ll even start writing longform again. I’ve missed it, but I’ve also appreciated the long, long break I took. I needed to just live, instead of thinking of everything as a story to write down.